Collection: Medium Coily Hair: Nourish and Define with Our Specialised Formula for Hydrating Thirsty Coils

Medium coily hair takes center stage in the vibrant Lusid Rainbow Hair Spectrum. Experience the convergence of warm hues celebrating the unique glory of your coily locks. While medium coily hair boasts unparalleled beauty with its ultra-tight curl pattern, it requires specialised care to combat extreme dryness, shrinkage, and stubborn knots. To preserve the integrity of this delicate hair type, it's crucial to steer clear of damaging heat-styling and chemical treatments.

At Lusid, we've curated an exclusive formula designed to cater specifically to the needs of medium coily hair. Our transformative formula tames frizz, nourishes curls, and prevents dryness at the ends.

Discover the Lusid range of products specially tailored for medium coily hair:

Wash your scalp: Choose between our Lusid Orange Shampoo Bar or Lusid Moisturising Shampoo Cream to cleanse your hair, considering the needs of your scalp. Wash as needed, keeping in mind that less frequent washing may be necessary to maintain a healthy scalp.

Co-wash: Nurture your coils with our Lusid Red Conditioner Bar or Hydrating Conditioner Cream. Co-wash as frequently as needed, especially for those with extremely dry coils who may require daily hydration boosts before transitioning to a less frequent routine.

Moisturise: Natural scalp oils struggle to travel down coils to keep hair ends hydrated. Combat hair dryness by applying a drop or two of our Lusid Smoothing Serum to damp or wet hair ends or mid lengths if required. Indulge in the nourishing embrace of our Lusid Detangling Leave-In Conditioner on non-wash days, as thirsty coils require the extra hydration, and they can happily work through stubborn knots. Restore your coily hairs to happiness with a weekly application of Lusid's deep conditioning mask. Your hair will love you for this hair treat.

Style: Embrace the power of Lusid Curl Creme Gel, a hydrating wonder that defines without leaving any unwanted crunch or flakes. If you have low porosity hair, feel free to be generous with your application of Lusid Curl Defining Creme Gel. For those with medium to high porosity you are best to start with a fifty-cent coin size amount and then add more as required. You can always add more but it can have adverse effects if you use too much product and can be difficult to remove from hair once applied.

Refresh and Define: Revitalise your curls by spraying a mixture of water and a few drops of smoothing serum to revive the definition from previous applications of Curl Defining Creme Gel. Alternatively, create a mixture of Curl Defining Creme Gel and Detangling Leave-In Conditioner, applying it section by section to damp hair. Gently scrunch and focus extra attention on areas prone to frizz.

Unleash the full potential of your medium coils with Lusid's transformative range, specially crafted to nurture and enhance the vibrancy of your magnificent coils.  Embrace a journey of self-expression as you revel in the enchanting beauty of your uniquely textured strands.